in Colombia, traffickers build their submarines


France 2

Article written by

L.De la Mornais, S.Guillemot, T.Donzel, A.Bayoud, K.Sullivan – France 2

France Televisions

Thursday, April 14, France 2 went to Colombia, where the military is trying to stop drug traffickers who are building submarines to transport their drugs.

In the south of Colombia, in the mangroves, the Colombian military is waging war on drug traffickers, who use submarines to transport drugs. In this part of Colombia, conducive to the cultivation of cocaine, drug traffickers hide laboratories and bases, to then export their shipments. For the military, the danger is real in the face of the cartels which are defending themselves. In the middle of the jungle, drug traffickers build their own submarines.

“Building your submarines costs up to 600,000 euros each depending on the model, but a kilo of cocaine is sold for almost 30,000 euros in the United States and these submarines have a capacity of two or three tons”, explains Colonel Diego Patron, Chief of Staff of the anti-narcos force “Poseidon”. The navy estimates that it intercepts half of the 1,200 tons of cocaine produced each year in Colombia.

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