in China, citizens who do not get tested risk detention

Despite the lifting of general confinement in the majority of the country, the zero Covid policy is still at work. In some cities, the screening must be carried out every two or three days or risk being placed in detention or having to pay a fine.

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This is what happens when some Chinese refuse or even forget to perform their Covid-19 screening test. We are in a police station in Jilin province, in northeast China. The scene is filmed by local television. A police officer tells the offender: “According to the investigation, you failed to do the mass screening ordered on April 29. Your behavior has seriously affected the government’s epidemic prevention and control work. You are now admonished according to law and we hope that in the future you will actively cooperate with the government.” “I haven’t done the screening many times, he admits. I created trouble in society. I admit my mistake”.

The sanction falls and it can be severe: 70 euros fine, ten days of detention and placement on “black list” in the Chinese system of allocation of social credit points. These measures are not applied in Shanghai or Beijing but in several Chinese cities, where they provoke the anger of part of the population. On the Weibo social network, Internet users are questioning the legality of these punishments. Criticisms that have bent a municipality in the northeast. She finally gave up sending to detention those who do not submit to the Covid test.

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