Video length: 2 min.
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Fighting against obesity requires a better lifestyle. This is the objective of the residents of a prevention center located in Deux-Sèvres.
Reclaiming your body to fight obesity. For the residents of a prevention center set up at the Logis des Francs in Cherveux (Deux-Sèvres), each day starts with a ritual walk. “You have to be able to do 3 to 4 km in an hour. It allows you to lose weight and feel better physically and morally”explain Marcelin Caillebault, teacher of adapted physical activities.
“I had trouble breathing”
All are here on medical prescription. At 59, Gilbert Ango could no longer support his 123 kg. “I had trouble breathing because of the weight. I ate too much. Now I’m fine, I must be 8 kg lost”, says the patient. In this center, for four weeks, you don’t just spend time. We also learn to cook balanced dishes. A total of 250 patients pass here every year. After six months, two-thirds continue to lose weight. For others, it’s more complicated.