in Châteauroux, tap water is no longer drinkable


Article written by

H. Capelli, M. Lecointre, S. Dosne, G. Beaufils, V. Billy, France 3 Centre-Val-de-Loire, S. Gravelaine – France 2

France Televisions

In the middle of a heat wave, the water flowing in some taps in Châteauroux is no longer drinkable due to bacteria. Thousands of residents are affected, as the temperature reached 41 degrees on Saturday June 18. The situation could last.

In Châteauroux, mineral water distributions are organized for vulnerable people. Half of the city’s population is deprived of drinking water. 25,000 inhabitants are concerned. The instructions are strict: tap water cannot even be used for brushing teeth or cleaning vegetables. With her six bottles of water to last the day, this retiree says she is reassured. “I drink a lot, it will allow me to hydrate normally. Otherwise, I would have had to reduce consumption”, she testifies. In question, the bacterium Escherichia coli.

Water distribution points were also opened to cope with the 41 degrees of the day, Saturday June 18. A pack is provided for each family. “It makes you wonder how to use it, how to do it. For the moment, we are satisfied with that”, explains a resident. For the time being, Castelroussins are asked not to consume tap water until the next day, at 6 p.m.

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