in Calvados, the “Dragon Ladies” fight while canoeing


Article written by

D. Frotte, C. Vanier, C. Duponchel T. Tavitian, F. Lefeuvre, F. leroy – France 3

France Televisions

Canoeing is a recommended sport for rehabilitation in the event of breast cancer. In Calvados, the “Dragon Ladies” are a group of women who support each other through sport.

At 47, Karine Maheut learned that she had breast cancer. “I think it woke me up, somewhere, to get sick”, she assures. To fight, she joined the “Dragon Ladies” of Calvados, who practice canoeing. In the boat, all the women have gone through chemo or radiotherapy and share their experiences. On the water, solidarity is taking place. Those who feel better pay more.

“These are often women who have been a little isolated during the time of the treatments (…) it is especially beneficial at the muscular and physiological level”, explains Thierry Noël Dubuisson, coach of the Calvados conquerors. In June 2022, they took part in the Vogalonga, the meeting place for rowers, which was held in Italy. Her children are proud of the path taken by their mother. A year after the end of her treatment, Karine Maheut performs a control examination, which reveals nothing. Appeased, she finds the “Dragon Ladies” for training.

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