In California, violent fires force thousands of residents to flee


Video length: 2 min

United States: In California, violent fires force thousands of residents to flee
In the United States, thousands of residents are being forced to flee as the fires spread in California. More than 1,400 hectares have already burned, and many homes are under threat.
(France 2)

In the United States, thousands of residents are being forced to flee as the fires spread in California. More than 1,400 hectares have already burned, and many homes are under threat.

In the middle of the night, columns of fire crisscross the mountains of Oraville, California (United States). Since Wednesday, July 3, Canadairs have been trying to extinguish the fire. Nearly 1,500 firefighters are mobilized 24 hours a day. They are trying to slow down the still-smoking blaze, which is getting dangerously close to homes. “It was only three meters from the house. If we had not cut the grass in front, we would have lost everything.”confides a woman.

In one neighborhood, dozens of houses burned and were completely destroyed. 25,000 people were evacuated. Thick black smoke is visible for miles around. Firefighters recognize a fire of rare violence. “It is still difficult to access certain areas”one of them reports. Some residents have taken refuge in a bar more than 100 km away. The manager has exceptionally opened his doors. The governor of California has declared a state of emergency. Nearly 1,400 hectares have already gone up in smoke.

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