in Calais, Eric Zemmour criticizes a European Union “which no longer works”

The venue was only revealed at the last minute by the campaign team ofEric Zemmour: it will be near the ancient jungle of Calais where thousands of migrants have camped in the past. At the microphone, behind a desk, the presidential candidate gives his vision of the port city of Pas-de-Calais: Calais is today the symbol of a double failure, that of the European Union and that of Emmanuel Macron. The failure to protect Europeans, French and Calaisians. For several years, the face of this city has been transformed. The barbed wire, the walls, the fences, the violence and the delinquency, the dirt, the misery…”

Éric Zemmour continues his intervention with a criticism of Emmanuel Macron’s speech in Strasbourg, which he did not listen to until the end: “It was the speech of therapeutic relentlessness for a Union [européenne] which hasn’t worked for a long time. It is the discourse of all the usual chimeras, from powerful Europe to social Europe.

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Perched on a concrete block that housed German artillery during the Second World War, the far-right polemicist unfolds his favorite themes: regaining control of immigration, ending the Schengen area. “No one will be entitled to oppose the will of the French people. The French Parliament and therefore the French people will again always have the last word.”

A speech a little disturbed by the problems of sound system as well as by some cries in the distance. They are anti-fascite militants shouting “We don’t want you here”. Impossible for them to approach the candidate, surrounded by an important security device.

On the other hand, a deputy managed to make his way to the candidate, it was the centrist Aurélien Taché, support of Yannick Jadot, who came to be the spokesperson for the migrants: “They will all tell you ‘Mr. Zemmour, I only want one thing, to learn French, to serve the Republic, to work’.” Let them tell me what they want, respond Eric Zemmour, I tell them ‘When I’m president, you’ll go home'”. The exchange ends there. “That’s a shame”, regrets the elected representative of Val-d’Oise.

Aurélien Taché nevertheless handed over to Eric Zemmour a report on the integration of immigrants. Not sure that the candidate deigns to read it.

Eric Zemmour’s trip to Calais: report by Audrey Tison

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