in “C to You”, the lawyer for the former president of the FFF accuses Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra of having “manipulated the inspectors”

Not surprisingly, Noël Le Graët resigned from his post as president of the French Football Federation (FFF) on Tuesday, February 28. This decision was announced during an extraordinary Comex. As a reminder, the 81-year-old man has been at the heart of the news since the beginning of January following his remarks deemed “off the ground” but also the various accusations against him. In particular those of Sonia Souid, players’ agent, who spoke to BFMTV in January 2023, a few days after the skid of Noël Le Graët on Zinédine Zidane. This accusing “[son] president” of the “see as two breasts and an ass”.

A few hours after his resignation, the now ex-president of the FFF granted numerous interviews to various colleagues. In particular to The Teamto whom he assured to be “innocent of all charges” brought against him. Same story during his interview with The world. Noël Le Graët again assures that he had no “inappropriate behavior towards women” with which he worked.

See also: Le Graët-Zidane case: Cyril Hanouna gets involved… And throws out a cliché that says it all!

Noël Le Graët will sue his detractors

“Ask all the employees of the FFF, you will not find one to criticize me. I know what I did or not. The lady I invited the most to dinner is Mrs. Hardouin” , he confided before ensuring: “We worked well together. I used to invite the guys over for dinner or lunch. I don’t think I ever crossed the red line. Stop pissing me off! I didn’t attack anyone or touch my little finger Madame Hardouin or whoever it is”. For his part, Maître Thierry Marembert, lawyer for Noël Le Graët, does not intend to bury the case.

Indeed, on the set of “C to You”this Tuesday, February 28, he told Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine that he and his client were going to file a complaint against the Minister of Sports. “In her press conference and in the summary report which was given to the press, the minister lied about the very content of the report”first lamented the lawyer before revealing: “a report that was lobbied for. I’m quoting from the report: ‘We found no sexual messages or terms’. That’s what the report says which the minister did not want to reveal. And this is what the minister said in her press conference: ‘There are messages of a clearly sexual nature.’ It’s wrong”. Enough to infuriate the lawyer. This one now that “Noël Le Graët has nothing to be ashamed of. “The inspectors were manipulated by Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, she lied and we are going to sue her for defamation!”, he finally concluded very upset. For the reasons mentioned by the lawyer, the latter will take legal action and “sue for defamation before the Court of Justice of the Republic” Amelie Oudea-Castera.


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