In Brittany, a nomadic pianist plays in the middle of nature for the happiness of passers-by

During a walk, the lucky ones may cross paths with a traveling German pianist. In the open air, he sets up his instrument in front of superb panoramas for delicate musical improvisations.

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France Televisions

Writing Culture


Reading time : 1 min.

He is a musician who stands out in the landscape. Björn Gottschall settles with his piano in the heart of nature. According to the winds, this young German travels the roads of France to find the panoramas that will inspire his melodies. That morning, it was at Pointe du Groin in Brittany that he decided to play against the ocean spray. “I do not want to have the image of the romantic pianist who plays inspired by the sea but I still hear that unconsciously this place influences me”, specifies the artist.

France 3 Brittany / R. Bonnant / P. Queyroux / G. Poiron / PY. Horse

This adventure began six years ago. Björn leaves his job as a refuge guard in Germany to become a professional pianist. He equips himself with a small piano of six octaves on wheels then travels through Europe. Berlin, Paris, Bordeaux, the Basque Country, the artist multiplies outdoor performances under the intrigued eyes of passers-by. “I like clear views, the goal is also to have passage, to meet people“says the musician.

For several years, the pianist has been based in Brittany where the inhabitants never tire of hearing his aerial melodies, sometimes tinged with a touch of melancholy. “I am pleasantly surprised, I have the impression that it makes the sun rise, it’s magic”. exclaims a spectator. “It’s in total harmony with nature, it’s a little piece of dream”, adds a family who was passing by. Björn intends to continue to discover new landscapes to make his music resonate there. If you don’t want to miss the artist passing by near you, he regularly posts his news on social networks and the landscape that he will brighten up to the sound of his compositions.

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