“Citizen consultation on the principles of shoreline development in Breil-sur-Roya“This is the name of the vote acclaimed by the inhabitants of Breil. Beyond the priority rehousing of the hundreds of families who lost their homes in the storm Alex, Mayor Sébastien Olharan’s project is to take into account the opinion of his constituents to decide on the future projects of his city.
What projects for Breil?
Invited to express themselves by answering a dozen questions, the inhabitants therefore decided on the future completion or not of a dozen reconstruction projects on the banks of the Roya. “these are just principles” warns Sébastien Olharan. A recreated outdoor swimming pool is thus preferred to the refurbishment of the indoor swimming pool. Another decision was the transformation of the current swimming pool building into a new party hall. build a large covered car park near the village. Sometimes the choices are more complicated because you have to take into account nature and anticipating future floods while respecting development rules… moreover, everything seems easier when people are asked for their opinions.
– Alexandre Mottot
On the banks of the river, it is a red zone, so we cannot build new housing, the citizens prefer a park equipped with a play area for children, rather than parking spaces instead of place demolished houses in the Isola sector.
The objective is to have the opinion of the population to go in the direction of what the population wishes” Sébastien Olharan
The municipality method
With close to 54% turnout, the popularity of this election is enough to make the numbers of voters in the presidential election pale. It must be said that behind their mayor, the people of breil have massively invested in this citizen consultation to advance projects in their village. Citizens like Fanny are delighted, she did not want an indoor swimming pool and the majority of the village gives her reason. Marie Claude did not want “a solid marquee for the holidays“, she prefers the return of village festivals to the main square,”it had more mouth she confesses”, and even if the vote proved her wrong she is enthusiastic about this type of consultation which is very precious to her.
– Alexandre Mottot
Building according to the will of the citizens is Sébastien Olharan’s method the mayor of Breil-sur-Roya. This direct and local democracy will be renewed at several stages of the construction of the projects. Mayor Sébastien Olharan regularly consults his constituents, with workshops and consultations once a month on Facebook (like us every morning on France Bleu Azur!!). According to him the reconstruction must be permanent because it is not simply material, _”_this approach is also psychological!“.
Consultations of this type are under way to reconstruction on a larger scale of the valleys devastated by storm Alex.