in Boutcha, the mourning of the inhabitants


France 2

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In Boutcha (Ukraine), the inhabitants have to face the painful identification of the victims before the burials.

In one of the alleys of Boutcha (Ukraine), a car is riddled with bullets. Inside, you can see a pool of clotted blood on the passenger seat. The bodies are no longer there. After three days outside, they were moved to be buried in a nearby garden, that of Tetiana Ustymenko. His son, Sergei, 25, was among the victims along with two of his friends. They were shot by a sniper.

“I heard shots, but I was sure he wasn’t there. They finished shooting and I called him, called, then a neighbor told me that a car had been there. target of the Russians and that my son was dead”, says Tetiana Ustymenko. Another resident of the town is desperately looking for two members of his family. In the communal cemetery, about fifty body bags are spread out on the ground. The man believes his loved ones were burned beyond recognition.

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