in Bordeaux, smoking ban in front of schools


France 2

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The mayor of Bordeaux (Gironde) has just banned cigarettes near nursery and primary schools.

This is an unprecedented measure to fight against passive smoking. Smoking a cigarette a few steps from the playground while waiting for your child to leave class is now prohibited in Bordeaux (Gironde), following a decision by the environmental town hall. The 50-meter perimeter around kindergartens and elementary schools becomes non-smoking. The objective of the device is to denormalize the use of tobacco. For the municipality, in connection with the League against cancer, adults must set an example for students.

In the future, the municipal decree should also extend to nurseries, secondary schools and high schools. Adult offenders will have to pay a fine of 11 euros, but the measure will first be educational before being punitive. In 2018, 46,363 new cases of lung cancer were diagnosed. The number of cancer deaths that same year is estimated at 157,400.


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