It is 7 p.m., the first speeches begin but outside, in front of the Pin Galant in Mérignac, there are still a few hundred people who hope to be able to enter the Auditorium to attend Fabien Roussel’s meeting. It will be a waste of time: the room is full, more than 200 people are forced to follow the evening from screens installed outside. In all, 3000 people came for the Bordeaux meeting of the communist candidate.
The activists are from Girondins, but many have traveled from much further afield: Haute-Garonne, Deux-Sèvres, Charente-Maritime… PC activists or young communists for the most part, but also a few curious people, intrigued by the dynamism of Fabien Roussel’s campaign. The latter arrives with fanfare a little before 8 p.m. The PCF candidate begins by evoking the war that Russia is waging against Ukraineasks for a “unanimous international condemnation of this aggression“and pleads for welcome”Ukrainian refugees but also all those fleeing the war.”
An evening dedicated to the fight for women’s rights
Then Fabien Roussel tackles the subject to which he will devote his meeting in Bordeaux: the fight for women’s rights, “the first to suffer the direct consequences of capitalism and patriarchy. deadly consequences” advances the far-left candidate before salute the memory of Chahinez Daoud“victim of femicide in the middle of the street” recalls Fabien Roussel. The young woman, mother of three children, was burned alive by her husband in Mérignac in May 2021. “This is why the time has come for the feminist revolution and the end of the patriarchal society“ continues the candidate.
The communist candidate has outlined his proposals: a plan to strengthen the means of justice in the fight against violence against women, to educate for equality from an early age, the deconjugalization of the disabled adult allowance, “yes to PMA, no to GPA“, “no to prostitution“… but also equal pay, which he intends to strive for with the creation of a public servicelink professions“in particular the child protection and medico-social sectors, “professions mostly held by women“adds Fabien Roussel who foresees a minimum salary of 1700 euros net per month for this status.