The high school student is suspected of being at the origin of a death threat email targeting several teachers and the principal of his school.
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A 16-year-old high school student was arrested on Friday March 29 at his parents’ home in Bordeaux (Gironde), France Bleu Gironde and franceinfo learned from corroborating sources. The teenager is suspected of being at the origin of an email with death threats targeting several teachers and the principal of his school, the Tregey high school in Bordeaux, in which the Minister of National Education Nicole Belloubet was delivered on Friday.
Contacted by France Bleu, a teacher at the establishment indicates that the teenager sent these emails via his high school’s Gmail, with the first and last names of the teachers. Threats that he signed by “Daesh warrior”, “cold-blooded killer” And “servant of the great Daesh group”.
The Bordeaux Public Prosecutor’s Office confirmed to France Bleu that, during his hearing, the young suspect partially admitted the facts and justified his act. “by his laziness in going to class last Tuesday”. That day, the high school had to be evacuated and closed because of the threats. The teenager “contests any malice and any desire to take action”, says the prosecution.
After 24 hours in police custody, the suspect must be referred to the public prosecutor’s office this Saturday. He faces up to two years in prison and a fine of 30,000 euros, specifies France Bleu. Malicious emails which come in a tense context, when many educational establishments have received threats of attacks and videos of beheadings on Digital Workspaces since last week.