In Blagnac, residents wonder about the arrival of the Lantern Festival at Ritouret Park

The Lantern Festival continues to take place in the Ritouret park in Blagnac. The public will be able to admire the 2,600 light sculptures from December 1st.

For its first edition in Blagnac after the move from Gaillac, the organizers set the bar high and hope to welcome more than 500,000 visitors in two months.

To avoid a mess in the streets around the entrance to the festival, the P5 parking lot at the airport is being emptied. The 3000 places will be reserved for visitors during the two months of the festival. Paying shuttles will link to the Ritouret park to take the public.

Already 30,000 seats sold

For residents, “we will have passes” explains Claude. From her portal, she saw the first sets of the festival. “There will surely be disruptions, but hey it only lasts two months” reassures this local resident.

“Between 30,000 and 40,000 tickets have already been sold, explains Patrice Gausserand, the organizer of the festival. “It is mainly CE and CSE who have ordered their places for the moment” he explains as they hope to record between 500,000 and 600,000 admissions this year.

We also wonder about the noise pollution that the event will generate. “We will have a noise, a mess not possible Anne worries. There was other places in Blagnac where they could have installed it, with no neighbor around. “

A park less and less accessible

What also annoys the neighbors is the multiplication of events at Ritouret and the restrictions that this entails. “From a public park, where you can breathe freely when you want, you almost go to a leisure park regrets David. There is less access to it. We no longer have the freedom to come and go like we had in recent years. “

He points to the installation of fixed gates all around the park, with gates. Holes were dug in the ground to install the posts. Ultimately, the park will be completely closed.

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