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As every year, swimmers did not measure the danger, while the alert at the risk of baïnes was maximum, Saturday August 20. 17 people were rescued by firefighters in front of the Grande Plage in Biarritz, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques.
Off the Grande Plage in Biarritz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), there is an exceptional rescue. A policeman jumps into the water from a helicopter. Swimmers are airlifted, in turn, others will be supported by a jet ski. In all, 17 swimmers were swept away by the current, several hundred meters from the shore, on Saturday August 20. All ended up back on the sand, stressed, tired, but unscathed.
Eddie Mangenot was present in the helicopter, and for him, it is the imprudence of the bathers which is in question. “The water receded, people were in the water about their waists. We asked them to step back, they didn’t listen to us”, says the rescuer. On the beach of Biarritz, Sunday August 21, swimmers have just learned of the incident and assure that they will be extra vigilant. “I am a little more careful than yesterday”, said a man. The day before, the entire Aquitaine coast was on high alert for baïnes.