In Besançon, Ukrainian refugees will have access “very quickly to emergency accommodation”, promises the mayor

“Hospitality is essential”, said Friday March 4 on franceinfo the mayor (EELV) of Besançon, Anne Vignot, who will welcome Ukrainian refugees in her city. People from Bison will also come to the aid directly on the ground, reports France Bleu Besançon on Friday, with a convoy of 15 trucks which will leave on Saturday evening for the Polish border, with more than 200 cubic meters of clothing, food, medical equipment and basic necessities. . A hundred volunteers, including caregivers, will make the trip to Chelm, a Polish town located 28 kilometers from the Ukrainian border, where they should arrive on Monday.

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As for the refugees who will be welcomed in Besançon, “we organize their arrival so that as soon as they arrive, they are faced with a system that facilitates their access to all the usual rights of refugees”explains Anne Vignot, who still does not know the number of Ukrainian refugees who have already arrived in Besançon.

The chosen one promises that they will have access “very quickly to emergency accommodation, since we have social landlords who provide apartments”. Another facility for displaced Ukrainians: “a card which should allow them access to a minimum sum per month, so that they have access to food”.

The mayor of Besançon does not forget that many families have had to leave their country, with children, and promises to “put them in touch with schools, because we know that in France for the moment mainly women and children arrive”. These persons “need to be in a form of respite and to be integrated”says Anne Vigneau.

Regarding the humanitarian convoy of ten trucks from the Besançon Support Ukraine 25 association, which will leave Besançon on Saturday, heading for the Ukrainian border with Poland, the local elected official specifies that it “Includes a lot of things, including an ambulance, but also clothes, medicines, foodstuffs”. “We also have a large area that offered food”adds Anne Vignot.

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