in Beauvais, a film and a debate to raise awareness among middle and high school students about the fight against LGBTphobia

On this World Day of Homophobia the question arises for the youngest: how to live your homosexuality when you are a teenager? Pupils from the Beauvais conurbation took part in a film-debate to exchange their points of view.

The title of the short film is self-explanatory: DB. It tells the story of two teenagers who gradually discover their homosexuality. 400 students from colleges, high schools and CFA in Beauvais, in the Oise, were invited to a screening of this film at the CGR cinema, followed by a debate on homophobia.

>> TESTIMONIALS. “When I get out of my car, three guys fall on me and beat me up”: victims of homophobic ambushes, they tell of their daily traumas

An initiative that is part of the awareness campaign against homophobia launched by the Ministry of National Education. On a daily basis, actions are carried out with associations for the defense of LGBT+ rights to explain, decipher and fight against discrimination.

Very strong opinions

The story bothered Yacine, in first class, and he does not hide it: “I didn’t want to see that. Me, I don’t like people like that, it’s not for me. God created men and women, it’s for them to be together. I don’t know don’t know how to explain it, but it’s not good,” he said.

A violent speech, which proves the need for this kind of intervention. For his part, Louane intervenes: “I have lesbian friends, others who are gay, and I don’t really care. I still support their cause because they are quite categorized in society, and it’s very contemptuous for them, I think.”

Destitute teachers

During the debate, the kissing scenes between the two characters in the film raise quite a few questions. The actors respond to it, alongside volunteers from the SOS Homophobia association.

Today’s generations are still a little more open on the issue. On the other hand, as we talk a little more about the subject, there are also hate speeches which manifest themselves a little more. We have a lot to deconstruct with“, indicates the director Olivier Lallard who, over his interventions in colleges and high schools, says he has noticed the homophobia present in schools.

For their part, the teachers present welcome the film and the discussions. Some confide that they sometimes feel helpless in the face of homophobic discourse or attitudes in their classes.

high school homophobia awareness


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