Video length: 2 min.
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Fighting continues bitterly between Russians and Ukrainians in the town of Bakhmout in eastern Ukraine. The paramilitary group Wagner, which fights for Russia, harshly criticized the latter for not having sent them the ammunition promised.
Bakhmout in Ukraine was expected to be a whirlwind victory for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Thousands of his soldiers died there. The Ukrainians still hold part of the city, as shown in a report by the British channel BBC. “If we retreat, we may save a few lives. But then we’ll have to storm, and we’ll lose a lot more lives. We must stay here until the end“, explains a soldier.
Wagner reckons he was “deceived” by Russia
A week ago, the leader of the paramilitary group Wagner, who officiates for Russia, threatened to leave Bakhmout on May 10 if he did not receive the necessary ammunition. Tuesday, May 9, he returned to this ultimatum. “We were promised that they would give us the ammunition on May 7th. We are the 9th and they gave us 10% of what we asked for. We have been deceived. We will not leave Bakhmout and will continue to insist on receiving ammunition for a few days“, says Yevgeny Prigojine.