in Austria, the far right makes a historic leap in the legislative elections

For the first time in history, the FPÖ won the legislative elections in Austria on Sunday.



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Herbert Kickl after his party's victory in the legislative elections, September 29, 2024. (ALEX HALADA / AFP)

In Austria, the far right achieved a historic success on Sunday September 29. With nearly 29% of the votes, Herbert Kickl’s FPÖ came first in the legislative elections. For the conservatives in power, in 2nd position, and who have lost 10 points compared to 2019, this is a setback. This is the first success of the far right in a legislative election. Ballot which should make it possible to appoint the chancellor. A victory widely celebrated on Sunday evening.

“Together, we wrote a piece of history” : the first words of Herbert Kickl, the leader of the far right who quickly joined his activists gathered in a restaurant transformed into his party headquarters. Free beer tour, traditional Austrian costume and 70s music.

It is in this atmosphere, in this setting, that activists, like Wolfgang, 25, celebrate their victory: “It’s a great result, it really has to be said: absolutely historic! It’s the first time that the FPÖ has been number 1 in a national election. The governments of recent years have failed to resolve the crises and the voter wants a change.”

When they appear on television screens, the leaders of the other parties are booed by the crowd. Léo Lugner, one of the executives of the far right, lists the subjects of discontent: the high cost of living, support for Ukraine, climate policy and immigration: “In this country, there are injustices, inequalities. People who come from abroad receive money every month without doing anything, while our retirees have to tighten their belts… These are injustices! ” Of the “injustices” which explain, according to him, this jump in the far right: plus 13 points, between 2019 and 2024.

While the far right is gaining ground throughout Europe, the Austrian FPÖ is doing better than the polls predicted. Journalist and specialist on the far right, Nina Horaczek, talks about “Austria’s shift to the right” : “This is a historic turning point… The FPÖ is an openly far-right party and has 30% favorable opinions in our country. On the subject of immigration, the FPÖ promised to make Austria a fortress. What may also change is Austria’s position on the war in Ukraine. The FPÖ is clearly opposed to sanctions against Russia. Austria has taken a giant step to the right.

For the far right and its leader, Herbert Kickl, the hardest part will now begin. The FPÖ will have to look for a partner to form a coalition and govern. Very complicated mission, believes Markus Wagner, professor of political science in Vienna: “No party wants Kickl as chancellor. He is very radical, he always plays with conspiracy theories, when he talks about Russia or the covid crisis. Kickl is someone who plays too much with the extremes. And then a lot of people are afraid of what would happen if he were in power.”

With or without the far right, the negotiations to form a government will be long. In 2019, they lasted two months.

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