According to the latest official data, 252 feminicides were committed in 2022 in the South American country.
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“Ni Una Menos” (“Not one less”). Thousands of women took to the streets of Buenos Aires on Saturday, June 3, during the 8th annual march to denounce violence against women. “We are the cry of those who no longer have a voice”, could be read on one of the hundreds of banners of the demonstrators gathered in front of the Argentine Parliament. According to the latest official figures, 252 feminicides were committed in 2022 in Argentina. This year, the march focused on the economic inequalities suffered by women, which prevent them from leaving violent situations.
“The numbers don’t go down”
The rally was also marked by the death of Rocio Gonzalez, 25, who was shot seven times by an office colleague of the same age, according to police. The young woman had filed two complaints of harassment against the aggressor, the last in May, and the court had taken a precautionary measure which resulted in a change in the working hours of the person concerned to avoid any contact with his professional victim.
In 88% of recorded feminicides in 2022, the victim knew their killer and in 59% of cases it was their partner or ex-partner, according to statistics from the Supreme Court’s Femicide Observatory. “The numbers don’t go down”warned the NGO La Casa del Encuentro, one of the organizations that called for a march on Saturday to make crimes such as Rocio’s visible and demand urgent action from the state.