in “angry”, the Girondin Family Planning calls for additional means to protect victims of domestic violence

The victim, found dead Friday at his home in Saint-Laurent-d’Arce (Gironde), had filed a complaint twice. She was stabbed by her ex-husband, without follow-up since her release from prison in 2017.

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After the feminicide that occurred in Saint-Laurent-d’Arce on Friday March 3, the Gironde family planning shares “his anger” against “one feminicide too many”, reports Sunday March 5 France Bleu Gironde. In a press release, the association asks for additional resources to help victims of domestic violence.

>> “There is a lack of material and human resources”, denounces a lawyer

On Friday, a woman was found dead at her home in Saint-Laurent-d’Arce, stabbed by her ex-husband, found hanged in a garage. The victim had filed a complaint twice in February. This man was sentenced in 2005 to 20 years in prison for the attempted murder of another woman. Released from prison in 2017, he had not been followed up beyond his period of detention. After this feminicide, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin called for an investigation by the General Inspectorate of the National Gendarmerie.

“We don’t want yet another administrative investigation, we want a real risk prevention policy.”

Gironde family planning

on France Bleu Gironde

The Girondin Family Planning claims to have had several institutional meetings with the prefecture and the public prosecutor, during which they were told that “all professionals are trained, all means were available, whether anti-relationship bracelets or serious danger telephones”. “We must protect the victims just as much as work to support the perpetrators”estimates the Family planning of the Gironde.

In the Somme, in Amiens, a 27-year-old woman was fatally stabbed by her ex-spouse on Friday evening while accompanied by her 5-year-old nephew, according to France Bleu Picardie. A complaint for domestic violence had been filed by the young woman. Despite the ban on contacting his former spouse, the man continued to harass the victim.

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