in Angers, a church was vandalized and ransacked


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

A. Mikoczy, L. Striano, E. Aubron, France 3 Pays de la Loire, Y. Kadouch – France 2

France Televisions

In Angers, a church was vandalized and the damage is very significant. An investigation has been opened, especially since another building in the region was also desecrated a few days ago.

Objects of worship thrown to the ground, statues systematically decapitated: in the devastated church in Angers (Maine-et-Loire), it is time to take stock. You have to take stock of the damage. It was Father Alain Cleyssac who discovered the desecration on the afternoon of April 12. A total of 12 stone and plaster statues were broken. That of the high altar was classified as historical heritage. The damage amounts to tens of thousands of euros and it will take several months to return all its decorations to the church.

An ongoing investigation

In the neighboring parish, at morning mass, the desecration of the Sainte-Madeleine church deeply shocked the Christians present. “When we saw yesterday the faces of the Virgin Mary, of the beheaded Christ, it upsets”, confides a devotee. On the morning of April 13, the church was closed to the public. An investigation is underway, the time for the police to collect clues. In two weeks, two churches in the region were ransacked. No claim has yet been received by the parish or the police.

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