In an open letter to Emmanuel Macron, associations of victims of terrorism ask for compensation for relatives of non-deceased victims

Five associations wrote to Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday to ask him for a legislative change allowing relatives of victims of terrorism who have not died to be compensated.

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In a letter addressed to Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday, October 26 and that Franceinfo was able to consult, five associations of victims of terrorism are asking for the opening of compensation for the relatives of the non-deceased victims. The Guarantee Fund for Victims of Acts of Terrorism maintains that the law does not provide for this compensation.

“The signatory associations have noted an inequality of treatment between victims”, explain the signatories of this letter. According to them, this inequality occurs “to the detriment of the victims of attacks, a part of which, known as indirect victims, is excluded from any compensation.” Ripple victims are people who have suffered harm as a result of an offense and damage caused to the direct victim. They can, for example, become a civil party in a criminal trial.

“To deny definitively any right to reparation to the relatives of the surviving victims for their personal damage resulting from the terrorist act would send the cruel message of a society which does not recognize their pain”, continue the five associations of their letter addressed to the Head of State. “A population already so severely affected could not bear to have to add to their pain the weight of contempt.” The signatory associations say they stand “available to the government to participate in the preparatory work for this legislative amendment”.

This letter is co-signed by the French Association of Victims of Terrorism (AFVT), the National Federation of Victims of Attacks and Collective Accidents (Fenvac), the National Association of Lawyers for Victims of Bodily Injury, the Association of victims of November 13 and the association of victims of the attack of July 14 in Nice, Promenade des Anges.

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