According to the former Prime Minister, “forbidding oneself from finding solutions because it could help the RN is a rather curious logic”. For him, the question “is well asked” by the government because Mayotte is facing a “demographic explosion”.
Reading time: 1 min

“In an exceptional situation, an exceptional measure”, estimates Thursday February 15 on France Bleu Mayenne the former Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, after the announcement last Sunday by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin of a constitutional revision project intended to eliminate the right of soil in the 101st French department . The former head of the executive mentions in particular “demographic explosion” which hits Mayotte, “a small island”confronted with “massive immigration” of its neighbors. He judges this situation thus “perfectly exceptional and extremely worrying”.
Édouard Philippe recalls that when he was in charge of the executive, “in 2018 and 2019” the government had “already strengthened the conditions and restricted a certain number of elements of access to nationality”. He is therefore rather satisfied that the question of abolishing land law has been raised, considering moreover that it “is well placed”.
This decision is strongly criticized by the left, but applauded by the right and the far right. For the former Prime Minister, the approval of the National Rally should not force the government to back down. The president of the Horizons party considers that “forbidding ourselves from finding solutions because it could help the RN is a rather curious logic”. “If we do not place a very strong restriction on access to French nationality in Mayotte, there is no solution in this territory”he emphasizes.