in Afghanistan, the plight of families threatened by famine



France 2

Article written by

D. Olliéric, N. Auer, M.Behboudi – France 2

France Televisions

A little over four months later the return to power Taliban, much of the territory is on the brink of collapse in Afghanistan. The country, which has lived for years on a drip of aid international, today lacks everything.

In the pediatric ward at Indira Ghandi Hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan, children are dying. Famine is now raging across the country. “We take the children in a very serious condition. When they are better, we send them back quickly and we take even more vulnerable cases. It breaks our hearts, this situation. The international community is deaf, while help from abroad is urgently needed“, says Dr. Latif Baher, head of the pediatric service.

The Taliban have been in Kabul for just over three months. Since mid-August, international sanctions have paralyzed the country. The 9 billion Afghan central bank is frozen by the United States, and the Afghans plunged into misery. Overwhelmed, the Taliban are unable to manage the country.

West of the capital, the Hazara community is the poorest in the country. Humanitarian distributions are rare, and the lines endless. “We don’t care whether it’s the Islamic Emirate or democracy. What we want is work, food and security“Says an Afghan. In the neighborhood, eight children have been buried in the past few days, all of them starving.

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