It is a curve which does not cease growing, that of the share of the elderly in the French population. 9.5 million of us are over 75 years old. Their number has doubled in 40 years. And facing the challenges, multiple of dependence and care for our seniors, a model is developing: inclusive houses. They are made for people who can no longer live at home but who are still independent and who have no place in nursing homes.
Here it is at home!
In the Somme, a pioneering structure opened five months ago at Acheux-en-Amiénois, in the land of the Poppy. Twelve tenants have put their boxes there since last June. Yvonne Crépel, 87, lives at number 4, in a cozy and fairly spacious house. “Welcome home, you see I brought my plants, my things, my kitchen which has followed me for 50 years”, she said with a smile, welcoming us.
Yvonne has left her large farm in Pas de Calais. A difficult separation but that she no longer regrets. She got closer to her little daughter, found a house here that she likes, services, neighbor-friends, entertainment, doctors and nurses are not far away. The right formula for Marion Champagnac, coordinator of day care and inclusive homes and for Beatrice Grossemy, the director of the reception center and services which has 155 employees and who supports a thousand people in different forms.
– Francois Sauvestre
“It is an intermediary that allows these people to break their loneliness, to get closer to their children or grandchildren, while having security and services that will be adapted to their needs. It is really an à la carte service. I like to say that this inclusive residence project is really a collective life, respecting each person’s individuality“, specifies Béatrice Grossemy.
– Francois Sauvestre
What appeals to Claude Tavart, 84, arrived here in October after leaving his large house in Warloy-Baillon which was no longer suitable for him. “We are at home, we do what we want. I go out a lot, I have the chance to still drive and I have a lot of friends, I am often invited to dinner in the evening, when I come home it is midnight We couldn’t do that in nursing homes or elsewhere. It’s freedom !“
Low cost for tenants
Freedom at a lower cost, because it is Amsom, social landlord who owns the premises, the remainder to be paid does not exceed 300 euros per month and most of the activities are free, because the inclusive house is also funded by the Regional Health Agency and the Departmental Council of the Somme. What makes Béatrice Grossemy say that this formula, allowed by the Elan law of 2018 has a future ahead of it. “This must multiply, because the tenants are in a cocoon. And then, if the state of health declines, we can completely re-consider the nursing home, moreover for some people we obviously know that this This project will be there. But we gave ourselves less time, we secured ourselves, we secured the families and we took advantage of a few nice years, at home with a whole team that is there to make your life easier. “