in a study, the League against cancer denounces “deep inequalities” in care

According to this study, 19% of participants who did not consult all the recommended professionals gave up for financial reasons or geographical accessibility.

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The League against cancer denounces “deep inequalities” of care and access to care against the disease, in a study published on Tuesday September 20, to which franceinfo had access. “The worrying finding reveals great disparities in care and follow-up among people living with the consequences of cancer or treatments”, writes the League in its study.

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Today, 3.8 million French people have experienced cancer in their lifetime. They have to live with the physical and psychological consequences and sequelae of their disease. According to this study, 26% of people questioned were not referred to health professionals who could provide relief after the end of their treatment. Among people who feel at least one consequence of their cancer or treatments, 53% perceived a lack of coordination between the various professionals who accompany them.

“The lack of offers in certain territories, the lack of staff, or even financial problems can also hinder adequate management of the consequences of cancer. 19% of participants who did not consult all the recommended professionals waived it for financial reasons or geographical accessibility”, also notes the League against cancer in its study. According to the League, the people likely to give up more support care are more systematically young people, people with low incomes and who live in areas where there are few care offers.

Faced with this observation, the League against cancer asks the public authorities in particular to set up a “supply of financially and geographically accessible support care throughout the national territory”. She also asks for a “sustainable funding” cancer co-ordinating nurses as well as a “guarantee of continuity of care”.

This study was produced for the League Against Cancer by the Ipsos Institute. The survey was carried out using a paper and online questionnaire among 7,709 people who had been treated for cancer. These people were interviewed between January 4 and April 15, 2021.

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