in a school, she surprised everyone!

For a surprise, it’s a surprise! Angelina Jolie on the move in 93! Far, very far from social events, red carpets and photo-calls, the American star announced on his Instagram account, this Friday, February 17, 2023, to have come to France on January 30. An operation on the sly… The objective? Meet children from the Henri-Barbusse primary school in Clichy-sous-Bois, in Seine-Saint-Denis, to make them aware of the fundamental role of bee pollination and the preservation of biodiversity. An ecological mission for the attention of the younger generations which is very close to the heart of the mother of Vivienne and Knox (14 years old), Shiloh Nouvel (16 years old), Pax (19 years old), Zahara (18 years old) and Maddox (21 years old) ). Shortly before heading to the Guerlain boutique on the Champs-Elysées, the actress of tomb Raider was therefore able to spend some precious moments with these young students, surely quite surprised to “see her in real life”.

See also: Caught in action with the boxer’s wife, Brad Pitt begs Mike Tyson to spare him!

Soberly dressed in a beige dress, as we can admire in the photo of her post, the ex of Brad Pitt was delighted, to read her message: “The class was adorable. Brilliant young minds asking big questions. Children always quickly understand what adults often try to over-complicate or excuse. There were lots of smiles except when they realized that without bees there was no chocolate!”, she commented. And the press release of the famous French house adds: “Guerlain and the school will set up beehives around the establishment and organize new Bee School sessions in the coming months”. At his side, Lorène Mouchet, beekeeper, and Cécile Lochard, director of sustainable development at Guerlain, were also on hand to defend the values ​​dear to this brand, which has made the imperial bee its emblem since… 1828. A fine action that deserved to be underlined who, far from his former charitable actions in the Third World, will also have had the merit of introducing Seine-Saint-Denis to this great international star!


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