in a letter to the Minister of Justice, the young girl’s father worries about the departure of the examining magistrate

In a letter sent Wednesday January 5 to the Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti, and that franceinfo was able to consult, Eric Mouzin, the father of Estelle Mouzin is worried about the departure, on December 31, 2021 and “without any prior information”, of the investigating judge in charge of the case since 2019, for reasons “career organization”.

Sabine Khéris, in office since 2012, was the oldest investigating judge of the Paris judicial court. Towed by the ten-year limit in the same position, eShe could therefore no longer hold this post. She was the one who relaunched the Estelle Mouzin affair, by taking up the case in 2019. In March 2020, the serial killer Michel Fourniret had ended up confessing to be responsible for the death of the little girl.

This departure, according to Eric Mouzin, “portends a new mess”, and the arrival of a new magistrate to follow this long and tedious file weighs the “risk of a disastrous investigation”, while Sabine Khéris had “knew how to establish a link with the indicted person, Monique Olivier”, ex-companion of serial killer Michel Fourniret, who died in May 2021. Eric Mouzin finally fears “a loss of information in the processing of ongoing investigations”, as well as the “dismantling of a competent and efficient team”.

According to information from franceinfo, the new magistrate who took over the case is awaiting the creation of the “cold case” pole, that is to say a pole of unresolved cases, provided for by law for confidence in the judicial institution promulgated on December 23, 2021. It is not known for the moment in which Ile-de-France court this pole will be hosted. According to information from franceinfo, the Minister of Justice must say Wednesday January 12 which court, between Paris, Versailles and Nanterre, has his preference.

Estelle Mouzin’s father therefore expectsEric Dupond-Moretti that the creation of the “cold case” pole quickly comes into effect. “It seems to me useless to insist on the urgency to act”, he ends in his letter to the Keeper of the Seals.

This Saturday, January 8, the traditional silent march in tribute to Estelle Mouzin will take place in Guermantes, from 3.45 p.m., starting from the town’s Place du Temps Lost. A press conference is scheduled after this silent march.

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