“In a country that has known Samuel Paty, we cannot afford this type of call to hatred”, denounces Thomas Ménagé

The spokesperson for the National Rally (RN) group in the Assembly and deputy for Loiret was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Saturday February 11, 2023. LFI deputy excluded from the National Assembly, pension reform … He answered questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Neila Latrous.

LFI deputy excluded: “we cannot afford this type of call to hatred”

“In a country that has known Samuel Paty, this professor assassinated in October 2020 in the Yvelines, we cannot afford this type of call for hatred and violence”, denounces the deputy Thomas Ménagé, after the exclusion of the elected La France insoumise Thomas Portes. The latter was excluded for 15 days from the National Assembly on Friday for having tweeted a photo showing him with his foot resting on a ball bearing the image of the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt.

Thomas Ménagé considers that the photo of the elected Insoumis gives the impression of having “a decapitated head, a face on the ground”. “He did it with his tricolor scarf”while he “represented the French nation and the people”, is indignant the spokesperson for the RN deputies. The RN deputy from Loiret also denounces the “already deleterious climate” in which this controversy takes place, which he qualifies as “provocation”. It thus refers to “intimidation of elected officials” And “to the threats of the President of the Social Affairs Commission”on the sidelines of the examination of the pension reform in the hemicycle of the National Assembly.

Pensions: Thomas Ménagé accuses Nupes of “preventing talking about the substance”

Thomas Ménagé is also carried away by the reaction of the Nupes group, which denounces in a press release “a setup” For “take away a vote from the opposition” in the midst of a debate on pension reform. For the deputy RN, these words are “unworthy” : “Instead of denouncing the behavior of this deputy from La France insoumise, they go on political ground and even though we are totally, frontally opposed to this unjust reform of social damage, we cannot accept everything to counter it”he protests.

He accuses the Nupes “to prevent” parliamentarians “to talk about the bottom” Bill, “with the complicity of macronie who slowed down the debates”. Thomas Ménagé believes that the presidential majority and the left-wing deputies are even “allies in an obstructive effort not to get to Article 7”which concerns the postponement of the legal retirement age from 62 to 64 years.

Senior index ‘useless’ and ‘will add complexity to businesses’

On this fourth day of mobilization against the pension reform, the RN deputy from Loiret prefers to look at the substance of the text, rather than the controversies. He thus specifies the position of his group on the senior index which “do not serve”according to him, “strictly to nothing and will add complexity to businesses”. “It’s a bit like toll-free numbers, it’s what we offer when we have nothing else and we don’t know what to do”, quips Thomas Ménagé. On the other hand, he would like an effort to be made on “training and business support”.

He also explains that he is against the abolition of all special diets. MP RN says he is in favor of abandoning special diets “of the Banque de France, of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, which are not very difficult positions and which have no problem of attractiveness”but he pleads to keep the special diets “of the RATP, of the electricity and gas industries in the medium or long term”.

If he reiterates that the role of elected officials “is to be in the hemicycle” for in particular “soften this reform”, Thomas Ménagé calls all the same “the French to go” in the processions on Saturday.


Find the entire “8h30 franceinfo” of Saturday February 11, 2023:

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