In “66 Minutes”, the secret of this Frenchman to stop paying for gas!

Lately the price of gasoline has increased unlike that of diesel. What create turmoil with motorists. In five weeks, a general increase of about eight cents was recorded for SP95, SP95-E10 and SP98. As a reminder, a liter of SP 95 is worth 1.97 euro and the SP95-E10 can be bought for 1.94 euro per litre. Now it takes more than two hours. In recent days, diesel has been cheaper than gasoline since it is around 1.85 euros per liter.

Europe imports a large part of its diesel from Russia. Of the six million tonnes imported in 2020, a quarter came from Russia (…) we are relatively confident that we will be able to do without Russian oil” had justified Olivier Gantois, the president of the French Union of Petroleum Industries (Ufip), last March.

While waiting to see how this will evolve, some are trying somehow to find an alternative to save money without being totally pedestrian or becoming a fan of public transport. This is the case of a 35-year-old graphic designer, named Aurélien, who gave his secret to 66 minutes.

To achieve this, it is very simple. In order to respect the limitations, he puts 60% Diesel which he then mixes… with frying oil which costs 50 cents per litre. By the way, it can also be reused in soap.

To stock up, the young man turns to restaurants which get rid of them through the sewers or by throwing them in the trash since they can no longer do anything with them. Thus, he proceeds to several infiltrations to remove the food residues then he decants before putting the 40% of missing fuel.

HASinsi, it fills up for 110 euros or 35 euros less than expected. For those who want to reproduce the same thing, know that it only works on Diesel vehicles dating from before 2005… you had to think about it.


See also: gasoline prices are expected to rise further

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