INSEE estimates that manufacturers have been more affected by soaring energy prices during 2022.
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Soaring energy prices hit the industrial sector hard in 2022. The average price per MWh of electricity in industry increased by 45% compared to 2021, and that of gas doubled , according to an INSEE report published on Thursday 8 June. In 2021, the average industrial price per MWh of electricity had already increased by 21% when that of gas had jumped by 65%.
The National Institute of Statistics notes that the price increase per MWh is “very heterogeneous according to the industrial establishments” because it depends in particular on the type of contract taken out and its duration. Those who renewed their contract during 2022 (nearly a third of establishments) “have been faced with an explosion in the price of MWh”notes INSEE.
Faced with this inflation, manufacturers have mostly chosen to increase their selling prices (52%), reduce their margins (44%) and dig into their cash (29%). In 2023, manufacturers are less likely to plan to reduce their margins or draw on their cash. They are however 61% to consider increasing their prices.