Since the summer of 2021, foreign streaming platforms must contribute to the financing of French creation in the same way as traditional television groups. They are required to pay between 20% to 25% of their turnover in France.
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Netflix, Disney+ and the Amazon Prime Video platform contributed 345 million euros to French audiovisual and cinematographic production in 2022, under the financing obligations that have been applicable to them for two years, according to a report revealed by Arcom Tuesday December 19.
Since the publication of a decree to this effect in July 2021, transposing a European directive, foreign subscription video services are subject to the same rules for contributing to the financing of French creation as traditional television groups (TF1, France Télévisions , Canal+, etc.) established in France.
Netflix, biggest contributor
Concretely, they must devote 20% to 25% of their turnover in France to financing the production of audiovisual works (series, fiction, live shows, theater, etc.) and cinematographic works, for a total assessed at the time of the reform between 250 and 300 million euros per year.
In 2022, the first full year of application of these obligations, the contribution of the three platforms Prime Video, Disney+ and Netflix thus reached 345 million euros, after 186 million euros in 2021, notes Arcom, responsible for making respect these rules. The audiovisual regulator does not specify the share paid by each of the platforms due to business secrecy, but confirms that Netflix is the largest contributor.
“Positive and dynamic results”
In total, the expenditure retained under obligations in audiovisual and cinematographic production amounts to nearly 1.6 billion euros in 2022 (compared to 1.4 billion in 2021), an amount financed almost 80% by the traditional television channels. “Hence the great vigilance brought by Arcom to the sustainability of the economic model of these traditional groups, whether public, private, free, paying”underlined Tuesday during a press briefing Antoine Boilley, member of the Arcom college. “The whole dynamic of financing our program industry is at stake“, he added, also praising a “positive and dynamic results“.
In detail, nearly 1.2 billion euros were paid to television production – of which the platforms’ contribution now represents a quarter – and 415 million to film production, 86% financed by traditional television publishers. For the 2023 financial year, a new foreign platform, Crunchyroll (purchased by Sony in 2021) and Apple TV+, will be subject to these financing obligations, Antoine Boilley also announced.