The director of Climate Action Network programs, Anne Bringault, points out on France Inter a “dependence on fossil fuels” and a gap between “sometimes ambitious climate objectives” and a lack of “coherent measures”.
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Is France really living up to its climate ambitions? “Not really”, responds on France Inter Anne Bringault, director of programs at the Climate Action Network. On Thursday, September 14, it unveils the 2022 figures from its Climate-Energy Observatory. The result is clear: “On the reduction in net greenhouse gas emissions, France is not achieving its objective”she says.
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The country was not “in the nails” that in “two sectors”to know “industry and construction”. This is due to “external constraints” and not to “structural measures”she emphasizes. “There was an energy crisis, very high energy prices [en raison de la guerre en Ukraine]which led to a tendency to reduce consumption, either through actions of sobriety or through actions of deprivation.she recalls.
“We have exploded the carbon budget”
On the other hand, in the field of transport, “we have exploded the carbon budget”. “Why? Because we have bigger and bigger vehicles, and therefore we consume more and more fuel”, she laments. On the other hand, “air traffic has resumed almost as before Covid”. “We are still completely locked into our dependence on fossil fuels”she regrets.
While the government will present its roadmap on ecological planning to the political parties on Monday, Anne Bringault affirms that it must be “very clear, with strong ambitions but above all measures consistent with the objectives”. According to her, “until now, we have often had objectives, sometimes ambitious, but never coherent measures”. Gold, “we really need, for each sector, measures which assure us that we will meet the objectives and then funding with visibility over several years”.