in 2019, the ARS Île-de-France was already pointing to “dysfunctions”

In a report dating from 2019, this Regional Health Agency noted “dysfunctions” in the organization and operation of an Ehpad in Neuilly-sur-Seine, but no abuse.

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From “malfunctions” but not abuse. In 2019, after several reports for suspicion of abuse, the Île-de-France Regional Health Agency submitted a report on the Ehpad Résidence Les Bords de Seine in Neuilly-sur-Seine managed by Orpea. Establishment targeted by elder abuse accusations in book The Gravediggers 15 days ago.

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In this report that franceinfo was able to consult, the ARS explains that the inspection mission carried out in July 2018 “did not establish any acts of abuse” towards these residents, the ARS nevertheless “noted malfunctions” in the organization and operation of the Ehpad. In particular, he deplores a “governance instability” of the Neuilly-sur-Seine establishment, which had four successive directors between October 2014 and October 2017. It also reports a “significant turnover” nursing staff and “lack of a framework for the supervision and integration of new employees, trainees and temporary workers”. According to the ARS, this “does not make it possible to envisage a gradual integration of the newcomer with training in pairs.”

Another problem noted is that of support. For one of the patients, she stresses that his state of health “did not meet the admission criteria” of the Ehpad which had no “not the means (vocation) to take care of this type of pathology”. Its support therefore has no “not optimal”. However, the establishment has set up a social life council where families and residents can come and express their feelings, in order to prevent mistreatment.

According to the ARS report, the establishment also does not apply “admissions procedure” clearly established residents, and the pre-admission phase “does not conform to good practice”. The accompaniment of the elderly is also singled out. Personalized support projects are lacking “discount” and “do not respect the recommendations of the High Authority for Health (HAS)”. The report further deplores that the recommendations of the HAS on the nutritional monitoring of residents “are not respected for all residents.”

It front of “defaults” of transmissions, care and coordination noted “in a number of situations” at the Ehpad in Neuilly-sur-Seine, the ARS report asks to “to make the essential improvements to the quality care of residents”. The institution must also “undertake efforts concerning the updating of residents’ personalized projects, ensure the supervision of new employees as well as the supervision of the intervention of company ladies in a context of high staff turnover.”

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