“in 2019, 60% of those arrested were under 16”

New Year’s Eve will be closely watched in Strasbourg. It must be said that two years ago, on the night of December 31, 2019 to January 1, 2020, nearly 300 vehicles had been set on fire in the Eurometropolis. There had been less damage last year, but there was a curfew.

This year, in addition to the deployment of nearly 2,000 gendarmes, firefighters, police and soldiers, the prefecture has set up curfew for children under 16 from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. throughout Strasbourg and its inner city. And this in an attempt to limit the disturbances. A measure very differently appreciated in the Esplanade district for example.

In this district located not far from the city center of Strasbourg, the inhabitants still remember the clashes of January 1, 2018. At the foot of his building bar, André therefore approves the curfew.

“I think it’s not bad. Every year there’s damage, cars burned. They’ve already burned cars, broken mailboxes, so I think it’s good.“said this retiree.

The Esplanade district in Strasbourg © Radio France
Antoine Balandra

This is not at all the opinion of Hector, a 15-year-old from the neighborhood. “I had planned an evening out with some friends. I’ll have to review my plans, I’m a little disgustedhe said.

Lots of minors involved

“Why always us, and this year in particular?“asks Paul, a 19-year-old from the neighborhood.” _I think this is not the right solution. That they strengthen the police force. And what do we do after 10pm? We must not always penalize young people and put everyone in the same panie_r “he believes.

But the prefecture justifies its choice to ban under 16 to go out alone. Dominique Schuffenecker, the chief of staff of the Prefect of the Bas Rhin, is categorical: “We will see the effects. We hope that this will have a deterrent effect. In 2019, 60% of people arrested on the night of the 31st were minors under 16 years old. It has been about ten years since it has been noted that there are more and more minors among the troublemakers on the night of the 31st. he explains.

Note that the sale and use of firecrackers and other fireworks have been prohibited for several weeks in the Bas-Rhin. The city of Strasbourg is relaunching its free parking operation for New Year’s Eve.

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