impressive gusts of wind in Hungary



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Like every day, the franceinfo evening news takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Thursday June 22.

In Hungary, gusts of wind of more than 110 km/h overturned trees on the night of Wednesday June 21 to Thursday June 22. An absolute record in the country. After scorching days, where the thermometer exceeded 35 ° C, the weather forecast predicts a cooling with the risk of hailstorms on Friday.

Storms expected in Germany

In Germany, thunderstorms are expected over a large part of the territory. Weather reports call for vigilance. Rain has started to fall in North Rhine-Westphalia. The Germans have not forgotten the floods of July 2021, which killed nearly 200 people in the country.

For its part, Italy is suffering from the heat. Temperatures are close to 40°C. A hot wind from the Sahara dries out the land. In the country, 14 regions are on orange alert. A respite is announced for Friday, when the mercury should drop by an average of 5°C.

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