imposing it “by force would be a bad solution”, believes Jean Rottner, LR president of the Grand Est region

The government will unveil its energy sobriety plan on Thursday. According to information from franceinfo, he plans to cut off the hot water in the toilets of the administrations, encourage teleworking or even lower the heating to 18°.

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Imposing the sobriety plan “by force would be a bad solution, it has to be a societal approach”, estimated Wednesday October 5 on franceinfo Jean Rottner, president Les Républicains of the Grand Est region. The energy sobriety plan will be detailed this Thursday by the government. “You have to be an incentive and have a certain firmness”he added.

Jean Rottner is waiting to know “the precise decisions formulated by the Prime Minister”. The elected official believes that this plan “sets the tone for a general mobilization in France. It is aimed at communities, companies, individuals. There is an individual, collective responsibility”.

“This sobriety to which the government commits us is to manage a crisis and have the opportunity to be much more effective.”

Jean Rottner will, during the presentation of the sobriety plan, “an inventory of what is already being done in the Grand Est”. He points out that the region “did not wait for the crisis to act” and cites examples: there is no more “None of our TER motor vehicles run on diesel, they are all on bioethanol. We have put remote relay devices in all our high schools, which saves us 240,000 cubic meters of water. This is the equivalent of 96 Olympic swimming pools that we save.” The elected official adds that the plan adopted by the Grand Est region “will allow, in the next four years, to reduce our consumption by a third and to produce a surplus of energy of 210 GW/h”.

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