Nature 2000 is a national and European geographical network whose objective is to preserve the natural heritage (ensure the protection of exceptional natural habitats as such or because they are necessary for the conservation of animal or plant species) while taking into account the economic, social and cultural concerns. The supporting structure of the animation on the Natura 2000 site L’Isle Valley is Epidor and the SMBI. This site runs along the Isle River over 122 km long and straddles the departments of Dordogne and Gironde, it extends over more than 8000 ha and crosses 38 municipalities. It is home to 23 habitats of species of Community interest
– Marc Hagenstein
How does the Syndicat mixte du bassin de l’Isle intervene on this Natura 2000 site Vallée de l’Isle?
- To support project leaders,
- Animate the Natura 2000 site,
- Help the different audiences who may be affected by the contractual actions that can be implemented
- Assist in setting up projects.
What are AECMs?
Agri-environmental and Climate Measures (MAEC) make it possible to support farms that engage in the development of practices combining economic performance and environmental performance or in maintaining such practices when they are threatened with extinction. It is a key tool for the implementation of the agro-ecological project for France. These measures are mobilized to meet the environmental challenges encountered in the territories, such as the preservation of water quality, biodiversity, soil or the fight against climate change.
? Listen to Lucie Lung, local coordinator of the Natura 2000 Vallée de l’Isle site at the mixed union of the L’Isle basin who also tells you about the various Natura 2000 contracts