Republicans want to dismiss Alejandro Mayorkas, whom they accuse of being responsible for the migration crisis on the border with Mexico.
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Republican elected officials in the American Congress announced on Wednesday January 3 that they were launching impeachment proceedings against the Minister of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. They accuse him of being responsible for the migration crisis on the border between the United States and Mexico. This announcement comes at a time when nearly 10,000 migrants cross the American border from Mexico every day, and the subject is politically hot a few months before the November presidential election.
“Our investigation has clearly shown that this crisis stems from the minister’s decision-making and his refusal to apply the laws adopted by Congress”Mark Green, chairman of the House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee, said in a statement. “His failure to uphold his oath demands accountability.”he added.
Impeachment practically impossible
In response, the Department of Homeland Security accused Republicans of “wasting valuable time and taxpayers’ money” in “political maneuver”. For Alejandro Mayorkas to be removed from office, a majority of parliamentarians in the House of Representatives must vote against him, which would trigger a trial in the Senate which could result, if two thirds of senators vote in favor, in his dismissal. A practically impossible scenario, given that the Republicans only hold a very slim majority in the House of Representatives and that the Senate has a Democratic majority.