impacted by the health crisis Gad Elmaleh violently attacks the government

This Friday, January 7, 2022, Gad Elmaleh announced terrible news on social networks. If the show of the comedian seemed to resist the health crisis somehow, the former companion of Charlotte Casiraghi had to make a radical decision. “In view of the current context, and following the latest limits set at 2000 people for seated shows, the following Gad Elmaleh” D’ailleurs “shows are canceled …”, could we read on the artist’s Instagram account. More angry than ever, Noah and Raphael’s daddy had then displayed his disappointment.

If certain dates of his show are maintained, Gad Elmaleh does not understand the health measures put in place by the government. Guest on the show ” Indulge “ on RTL, the star did not mince words. “It is totally unfair insofar as we have not yet proved that in theaters there were contamination problems. There have been tests that have been done. We did 70 shows in large venues, we never had a cluster problem or been contacted by the ARS (The Regional Health Agency, Editor’s note) ”.

He goes on to add: “We should try to prove that in theaters there is something good going on for our souls and our hearts. We talk about our bodies, but our minds, our souls, our hearts must be appeased. We have to meet again, we have to get together, we have to laugh together, that we sing together. “ However, Gal Elmaleh seems to agree with some decisions. Especially with regard to standing concerts. “My fellow musicians at standing concerts are not going to be happy, but I understand when we are standing, when we take off the mask, when we jump in the air, when we kiss. But when you are seated, looking in the same direction, wearing a mask and being vaccinated, there is very little chance that you will be contaminated. “

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