Impact of ice storm on trees | Montreal is reassuring, two months later

Montreal does not yet have a precise assessment of the damage caused to its trees by the ice storm of April 5, but was still reassuring on Monday.

The impacts of this weather phenomenon are “almost nothing” compared to the ravages of certain parasites, said the metropolis.

“The ice storm caused damage, of course, but less than the emerald ash borer, which was a disaster. We are confident that we will be able to make up for the damage that has taken place, ”said Caroline Bourgeois, elected in charge of large parks on the executive committee. “We should have a slightly more complete assessment in the coming months. »

Four days after the April storm, the City of Montreal estimated that 900 trees had been destroyed by the ice. The Plante administration has undertaken to replace all affected trees.

Mme Bourgeois announced on Monday the 2022 report on the planting and felling of trees in Montreal.

“Montréal planted a total of 53,381 trees, ie 19,448 trees on public property, 15,267 on private properties through subsidized programs, and 18,666 in natural environments,” the City indicated. If we subtract the number of felled trees, the canopy of Montreal has about 25,000 new trees. Mme Bourgeois spoke of “a record year” in this area.

In addition, the emerald ash borer mortalities are now “under control”, assured the City. Just under 3,000 ash trees were felled in 2022, twice as many as in 2021.

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