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Covid-19 contaminations continue to increase, Wednesday December 15. To curb the epidemic, the government is now counting on the vaccination of children, which began today for those most at risk.
Since the morning of Wednesday, December 15, 360,000 children, aged 5 to 11, have been eligible for vaccination against Covid-19. These are the most fragile, and those who live with a person at risk. Among the youngest, the incidence rate explodes. It has become twice as important for 6-10 year olds as for the general population.
In order to limit transmission, the government has set December 20 as the start of optional vaccination for all children. However, the High Authority for Health has not yet given the green light, in particular on the pediatric protection that the Pfizer vaccine will offer, three times less concentrated than that of adults. “We have no really real data on the limitation of protection after 15 days after the second dose”, explains Professor Stéphane Paul, immunologist and member of the scientific committee on the Covid-19 vaccine.