Imminent Threat Alert | A suspect armed with a firearm in La Doré

The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) is appealing to the population concerning a dangerous suspect with a firearm in La Doré, Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, near Lac Élaine, in the Trenche River sector. Residents are asked to take shelter during the police operation.

A man in his fifties and armed with a firearm described as a “long gun” by the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) is considered a public danger in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean on Saturday.

The SQ launched around 2 p.m. an imminent threat alert concerning the municipality of La Doré, a village of approximately 1,370 inhabitants located northwest of Lac-Saint-Jean, about twenty kilometers from Saint-Félicien.

The suspect is said to be active in the Trenche River area, near Lac Élaine.

“If you are in this area, do not approach the suspect, lock the doors, stay away from the windows and leave the area if it is safe to do so”, first indicated the SQ on Twitter.

At press time, little information was available about the police operation still ongoing. “We want to notify people so that they are safe, that’s the priority,” said Hélène Saint-Pierre, spokesperson for the SQ. Further details will be released as the situation evolves, she said.

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