Immigration powers: “a question of survival for our nation”, points out Legault

DRUMMONDVILLE | Prime Minister François Legault makes the repatriation of federal powers in immigration “a question of survival” for the Quebec nation.

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During his closing speech at the Coalition avenir Québec convention in Drummondville, Mr. Legault recalled that currently, half of immigrants are chosen by the federal government.

“And among these, there are half who do not speak French,” he said, calling for the repatriation of these powers to Quebec.


However, until now, Justin Trudeau has always refused to respond to the requests of François Legault, who had also made a commitment before taking power four years ago.

The CAQ wants “a strong mandate”

“That’s why I’m asking, in the next election, for a strong mandate to negotiate this with the federal government. It’s a question of survival for our nation, ”said the CAQ leader, who dominates in the voting intentions.

Four months before the elections, the head of the CAQ, who has retained the slogan “more than ever”, has in a way given the kick-off to his pre-election campaign. He surrounded himself with a hundred candidates, including the newly retired CEO of the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, Sonia Bélanger, 60, who will be a candidate in Prévost, as revealed our Parliamentary Office.


In front of his activists, François Legault warned Quebecers against the “ideologues” of left and right.

“On the one hand, there are those who think that money grows on trees. There are those who think that we always need more taxes, more taxes, more deficit, more debt. And then on the other side, there are those for whom climate change does not count, ”launched Mr. Legault.


He was probably referring to Québec solidaire and the Conservative Party of Éric Duhaime, without however naming them. Mr. Legault did not say a single word about the Parti Québécois and the Liberal Party of Quebec, which are in bad shape in the polls.

More details to come…

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