Immigration: Poland and Hungary oppose reform of the European migration system



Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – V. Astruc, S. Wohlfahrt

France Televisions

A European Union summit was organized in Granada (Spain), Friday October 6, around the reform of the European migration system. Poland and Hungary have expressed their fierce opposition to the mandatory distribution mechanism provided for in the event of a massive influx.

The reform of the European migration system was to be celebrated in Granada (Spain)Friday October 6, but two spoilsport loudly made their opposition heard: Poland and Hungary. What these two countries do not accept is the obligatory distribution mechanism provided for in the event of a massive influx.

Either member countries welcome some of the migrants into their territory, or they participate financially, at the rate of 20,000 euros per unwelcomed migrant. However, Poland and Hungary do not even want to pay. In this case, the European Union plans to withdraw part of European subsidies.

“There are still two unknowns”

This crisis mechanism will also create sorting upon arrival. Those who have little chance of obtaining the right toasylum because their lives and safety are not not threatened in their country. Hence the satisfaction of many countries, Italy in the lead. There are still two unknowns. The migration pact must be negotiated with the European Parliament and, once adopted, the hard part begins: its implementation“, says Valérie Astrucspecial envoy to Granada.

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