The deputy for Yonne and spokesperson for the National Rally was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday January 7, 2024.
Reading time: 15 min

Julien Odoul, deputy for Yonne and spokesperson for the National Rally, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday January 7, 2024. Immigration law, European elections, RN trial… He responded to Jean-Rémi Baudot and Aurélie Herbemont.
Meeting with the Nation: “The most judicious thing would be for him to announce a dissolution of the National Assembly”
“The most relevant, the most judicious given the period of crisis and political blockage, would be for him to announce a dissolution of the National Assembly“, declares Julien Odoul, while the Head of State announced a major “meeting with the Nation” at the start of 2024. “We must return to the people today to resolve this political crisis. It is not normal to govern by 49.3.“
Immigration law: “This text is influenced by the RN’s struggle for around thirty years”
On immigration law, “the President of the Republic tried to do a little communication, to recover a theme from the National Rally“, believes Julien Odoul. “Of course this text is influenced by the fight led by the RN for around thirty years. Even the President of the Republic today wants to unravel it.“
The Constitutional Council, for its part, must decide on this text by the end of January. Censorship of certain provisions voted by Parliamentarians “would be scandalous“, reacts the MP. “It would come endorse Marine Le Pen’s proposal for constitutional reform and referendum, which in our opinion is the only legitimate measure to resolve the immigration problem.“A referendum on immigration impossible to organize, in the current state of the Constitution.”It’s not impossible, it’s a question of political will“, retorts Julien Odoul.
European elections: “This is the last national test to sanction Emmanuel Macron”
The European elections, which will take place in June 2024, are “the last national test to sanction Emmanuel Macron“, judges the spokesperson for the RN, a party whose head of list, Jordan Bardella, is leading the polls. “This is the last electoral test to send a signal to the head of state, since after that we will no longer be able to do anything. He will not be able to be a candidate in 2027.”
“And then at the European level, we have a large number of allied parties, because you see, there is a wave of people in Europe“, explains the MP, when asked about the fact that the National Rally would not have a majority in the European Parliament, according to different projections. “We are counting, given the economic and migratory situation, on the support of these allied parties.”
RN trial on the MEPs affair: “We are very calm”
Julien Odoul says to himself “very serene“, while Marine Le Pen and 26 party members will be tried in the fall in the case of assistants to FN MEPs.”This is a business that also exists at La France insoumise and at Modem. Which leads us to reflect on the level of appreciation of the European Parliament on the role of parliamentary assistants, which, visibly, is not ours in several French parties.”
“The European Parliament considers that the assistants of MEPs are civil servants from Brussels. This is a deep divergence“, argues Julien Odoul. “We, and other parties, want European assistants to also have militant commitment and responsibilities within the party.”
Watch the entire 8:30 a.m. franceinfo broadcast on Sunday January 7, 2024 :