Immigration law: does the National Rally emerge victorious from the sequence?


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Immigration law: does the National Rally emerge victorious from the sequence?

Immigration law: does the National Rally emerge victorious from the sequence? – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – A.Mezmorian, A.Peyrout, S.Soltani, V.Ghiri, E.Delevoye, M.Dumas, E.Jarlot

France Televisions

After the adoption of the immigration bill in Parliament, Tuesday December 19, Marine Le Pen spoke of an “ideological victory of the National Rally”. Certain measures of the text are experienced as ruptures and denials by the left.

National Rally (RN) parliamentarians voted for the immigration bill, adopted Tuesday, December 19. The far-right party even claims to have inspired the text. Certain measures of the law are experienced as ruptures and denials by the left, in particular the fact that the text provides less social assistance for foreigners in a legal situation, with the establishment of a waiting period to receive benefits social.

An about-face for Marine Le Pen

The RN plasters his hat. Marine Le Pen spoke of a “ideological victory of the RN”. An about-face for the president of the RN group in the National Assembly, who has long wanted to vote against the text, very influenced by The Republicans. Tuesday evening, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin tried to explain that the votes of the RN were not decisive, and that the text maintains a balance. Wednesday morning, accusations of extreme rightism continued to pour in. The Constitutional Council could censor measures which establish a difference between the rights of French people and those of foreigners in a legal situation.

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