The vice-president of the National Rally and MP for Gironde was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday December 10, 2023.
Reading time: 9 min

Edwige Diaz, vice-president of the National Rally and MP for Gironde was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Sunday December 10, 2023. Immigration law, Bergé plan for “failing parents”… She responded to Jules de Kiss and Agathe Lambret.
Immigration law: the National Rally will decide on Monday “in a group meeting” whether or not it votes on the motion to reject
The National Rally will decide on Monday “at 3 p.m., during a group meeting“, whether or not he votes for the motion of prior rejection of the immigration bill, specifies Edwige Diaz, deputy of the National Rally. If it fails, the text will be examined as planned in a public session at the National Assembly. Conversely, if this rejection motion tabled by environmentalists is voted on, the bill will not be debated in the hemicycle.
The initial version of the text carried by the government was toughened by the Senate, dominated by an alliance between the right and the centrists. Then, it was reworked by the deputies meeting in the law committee: they reestablished State Medical Aid (AME) which the senators wanted to replace with Emergency Medical Aid (AMU), they removed the offense of irregular stay, they also reversed part of the measures to tighten family reunification.
“As it stands, it is impossible for RN elected officials to vote in favor of this text”
“As it stands, it is impossible for the elected representatives of the National Rally to vote in favor of this text“, affirms Edwige Diaz. According to the RN deputy, this immigration bill “est very dangerous because it is presented by Gérald Darmanin as being a text aimed at limiting immigration, not by expelling illegal immigrants, not by dissuading them from coming to our country, but by regularizing them“. The elected representative of Gironde considers “that there is sufficient labor available and that France does not need to regularize illegal immigrants“.
Paradoxically, the National Rally is proposing an amendment providing for the exemption of small businesses from the obligation to themselves monitor the regularity of the situation of their foreign employees. “No one can suspect the RN of wanting to promote immigration“, defends Edwige Diaz. She notes that this “amendment is very controversial“and criticizes the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin for “pretend not to understand the purpose of this amendment“.
Bergé plan for “failing parents”: “Particularly timid announcements”
Edwige Diaz judges “particularly shy” the announcements of Aurore Bergé, Minister of Solidarity and Families, who revealed this Sunday in the Tribune Sunday his plan to make parents of delinquent children responsible. She announced the establishment of community service for “failing parents”. She also wishes to establish “the payment of a financial contribution for parents of children guilty of damage to a victims’ association and a fine for parents who do not appear at hearings concerning their children”.
“We are delighted that the government is finally realizing that there is a form of judicial laxity in our country which is unbearable“, but this this plan “will not bring back authority“, believes the MP. She recalled Marine Le Pen’s proposals for 2021 wishing “a removal of family allowances for delinquent children and that they also had to be evicted from their social housing“.
“The macronie refused this proposal“, regrets Edwige Diaz. The RN deputy wishes to go much further: “We want to lower the criminal age to 16 years. We also wish, when they are perpetrators of delinquency, to be able to deprive them of part of their freedom. This is why we want to create a closed educational center per department“, she explains. Furthermore, “if minors who are foreigners have committed acts of delinquency, of course, their possible naturalization will have to be made impossible“, she adds.
Watch the entire 8:30 a.m. franceinfo broadcast on Sunday December 10, 2023 :